October 16, 2018 by EnergyNow Media EmailFacebookTwitterLinkedIn October 16, 2018 By David Yager Energy Policy Analyst – Oil & Gas Writer As everyone in the oil business knows, forecasts are fraught with uncertainty. No wonder. Nobel laureate Nils Bohr said, “Prediction is very difficult, especially if it’s about the future”. Mark Twain quipped, “Prophesy is […]
A Voter’s Manifesto
Healthcare is poorly organized and planned
Last week, we wrote about the governance problems that plague our healthcare system. Our healthcare system isn’t underfunded— it is under-organized, under-planned , and inappropriately governed. Promising long-term planning and apolitical qualified leadership in healthcare doesn’t make for sexy political sound bites or campaign promises. “More doctors and nurses” is much easier to tweet . We don’t […]
Healthcare needs better, not more.
New Brunswick’s healthcare system already has above-average numbers of doctors and nurses per capita compared to other provinces in Canada. We aren’t underfunded on a per capita basis compared to other provinces. Yet we have some of the worst access and longest wait times in Canada. It’s time to stop promising more and start treating […]
If you fix senior care, you fix healthcare.
Since the 1970’s, government policy makers have acknowledged that baby boomers will eventually strain our health and long-term care system. That time has come. And we’ve taken little action to prepare for it. Today, we are living longer and our healthcare infrastructure is even more expensive. The Canadian Institute of Health Information (CIHI, 2016) reports […]