New Brunswick’s green paper on education stated, “Schools alone cannot meet the needs of industry nor match the pace of growth and change. Simply adding and installing infrastructure in schools will not respond to this need.” This was a call to action for business, industry, and community leaders to partner with education in extending our […]
New Brunswick Education Is Out Of Sync With Societal Changing Economy
People are our most important natural resource. This is a belief that is often lost in natural resource-based economies like New Brunswick’s, where logging, mining, blueberries and transfer payments rule. Fast-paced innovation and advancements in science and technology have resulted in a global shift to a knowledge-based economy, and we now have a disconnect between […]
Visions And Goals Of Health Care Reform For New Brunswick
It is easy to write lofty words about the systemic problems within the current health care system, but not so easy to come up with pragmatic solutions. One of the problems in discussing and implementing reform is that we tend to get caught up in the weeds. When and if that happens, we start spinning […]
Health Care System Improvements Are Essential
At no time have the challenges for health care been so striking. The Coalition of Concerned Citizens sees this as a time when New Brunswick must face these pressing problems. Health and Long Term Care constitutes nearly 40% of the province’s annual budget, or $3.6 billion dollars. The high and rising cost of this complex […]
Economic Development Has Changed
About a year ago, The Brookings Institute released a report that provided clear advice to the economic development agencies of America. They warned that the US local and state economic development system must “train its sights on talent development and deployment rather than its current overwhelming focus of business attraction and marketing.” Canadian industry had […]